Monday, May 30, 2011

E is for Elmo

E is for elephant, envelope, Easter egg, Elmo, Eyore and Emily!

This week it was all about Elmo. After all when you're two, Sesame Street is pretty much the coolest thing ever! Of course we learned a few other words that start with the letter "E" but Elmo was definitely the star :)

So when I was thinking up a craft I decided to forgo my original idea, which was to make hard-boiled elephants (not as morbid as it sounds, I swear!)

I decided to stick with good, old Elmo. He was actually quite a breeze to make! I just used our paper shredder to create little strips of "fur", then I cut out some eyes and a nose.

Peanut took care of the rest. She had a lot of fun making this. But I'm not sure what she liked better, Elmo or the glue stick, lol!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Short Break

Aaah! What a lazy week it has been. There must be something in the air (germs, maybe?). It seems that Peanut, her daddy and I have all taken our turns being sick. So...we decided to take a break from our letter lessons for some much needed time to recover and review!

I found this great teaching tool at Borders last Saturday, a set of alphabet flash cards! It really came in handy this week. The cards have pictures on one side and letters on the other. But the coolest thing of all is that it comes with a dry erase marker so kids can practice tracing their letters.

Little P had a blast with the marker!! She didn't show much interest in tracing (as you can see, ha ha!) but she did attempt to write her OWN letters which I thought was pretty neat :)

So this week turned out to be somewhat productive after all. And most importantly, we're all feeling better now!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Project Round Up

So I was scrolling through my blog and it occured to me that I haven't posted any of my completed projects lately. My hooks have actually been super busy these past few months. 

I finally finished up my afghan, which is now on display in my living room :) 

I made a little bear for Peanut's birthday and I stitched up a couple of washcloths for the mom's and grandma's on Mother's Day. 

I made a few potholders for my Grandma (free pattern found here: ... 

and a panda bear loofah for one of my fellow book club girls.

Still...I'm far from finished! With loads more of my girlfriends expecting babies this year (not to mention, me :) and a little sis who's college-bound this fall, I'm going to be up to my elbows in yarn! Not that I mind. I absolutely LOVE to crochet and luckily there is never a shortage of adorable patterns to work on. I can't wait to share the rest of my projects with you :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dynomite "D"

This week we are studying the letter "D". I must confess, this has been one of my favorites so far! I got to teach Little P all about dinosaurs!! I don't know about you, but I LOVED dinosaurs as a kid and, in fact, still like them quite a bit as an adult.

I had a ton of fun making this Dinosaur Diorama with Peanut out of a shoebox, some clay and a few random props. P seemed to enjoy letting her new dino friends play in it as well. Like mom, like daughter I guess :)

We also read, Oh, Say Can You Say Di-no-saur by Bonnie Worth. It was both silly and informative. I would definitely recommend it!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Captivating "C"

Last weeks letter was the letter "C". Peanut and I had lots of fun with this one! We identified items in our letter bag and colored pictures of chipmunks. We made a collage featuring things that begin with "C" and watched Cookie Monster sing "C is for Cookie" about a gazillion times. It was great :) But now it's time to say "C" ya to last week's letter!! We're moving on to the letter "D"! I've got a lot of fun things planned for next week. Be sure to check it out!!

C is for: car, cougar, clip, cheese, c.d., coaster, computer & cat

C is for: chocolate, carrots & cow