Wednesday, October 31, 2012

V is for Vampire Bats!!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, Trick-or-Treating has been postponed. However, that didn't stop us from celebrating here at home :) Nora and I did another letter lesson. We learned that V is for vampire bats. We decked out some Hershey's Bars with a craft idea I found HERE. Then we made our very own pumpkin patch on paper. A little later on we got a visit from Gam, which prompted a goulishly fun pizza party. It was such a blast. The only thing missing were the costumes. But Nora and Claire will get to show them off soon enough. Trick-or-Treating is this Sunday :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Q: What the heck is a button snake?

Mothercraft: Button Snake Activity

Shaded Ripple Afghan

A: I have no idea!

At least, that's what I would have said about a week ago. But thanks to Vickie Howell, I know better now. It's a cute, easy, super fun sensory activity for kids. Being the craft-loving (and super tactile) person that I am, I couldn't resist making one during nap time. Now I'm just waiting for my lovies to wake up so they can play with it. I can't wait to see their faces. I can see them getting really excited about playing with this toy!

I also thought I would share my "completed" afghan with you. Although, thanks to my husband, it isn't really done. He can't quite stretch out in it so I'll need to add some length. I guess it's back to the yarn basket for me..after a short intermission. I'm enjoying this weather too much to be cooped up indoors with my hook ;)