Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Girl Bed!!

Well, Nick and I finally decided to get Nora into a big girl bed! About time, I know!! With the baby arriving in a month (or less!) it's definitely time to get the crib prepped for our new addition. Nick and I both had some reservations about this. Mainly, we were worried that Nora would be upset to lose her crib but we were also concerned that she would start climbing out of bed and playing in her room vs. sleeping like she should!

Regardless, we needed to make the switch and deal with the consequences. Better now then later, after all! As it turns out, Nora was slightly upset (although mostly curious) about Daddy taking down her crib but not half as upset as me! For some reason, it really bugged me to see that little crib come down. I just kept thinking about tiny baby Nora sleeping in there with her little froggy mobile. I remember peeking through the bars to check on her when she was just an infant. I remember the first time I caught her standing up in her crib and a bit later, when she started trying to climb out (thank God she never actually did!!)

But no matter how much my heart was breaking, it was time to make the change. So the little crib came down and was replaced by the big girl bed. As it turns out Nora was thrilled. She forgot all about the crib and started jumping up and down on her new bed. And all our fears about her climbing out of bed were quelled. She sleeps just as well as she did before! It just goes to show how much we sometimes underestimate our kids and how capable and adaptive they really are!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

35 Weeks and Counting

 Today marks my 35th week of pregnancy. Although it doesn't seem possible, this belly of mine keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Little P can barely sit on my lap anymore!

I'm starting to get excited. Pretty soon this baby of ours will be born and we will have a brand new person in our lives. Oh, how I am looking forward to the day! I have waited so long to meet our sweet little baby!

I still remember the day that peanut was born. I was so overwhelmed with love for her and so amazed by all that she was. I remember bringing her home and marveling at the fact that she was all ours.

And as it all comes rushing back I can't help but feel blessed. I am so fortunate to have my family. My heart feels as big as my stomach.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"I" is for Imperfect (and for Ice Cream)

Okay, I admit it. I've been waaaay behind on my letter lessons. Things were going great until I got to the letter "I". Little P and I were going to make home made ice cream but I neglected to buy ice cream salt (who knew there was such a thing?? Definitely not me!) I meant to make up for it the next week, but then ended up in the hospital so that week I got nothing done in general! Luckily, two good friends paid us a visit that week and brought some ice cream with them :) I think it's safe to say they saved the day! Thank you Coco and Mark!!

But now I can't seem to get my momentum back. I have no clue what to focus on for the letter "J". So I'm asking for your help!! Do any of you have any craft suggestions, activities, games, foods to make that start with the letter "J"?? If so, please leave them in the comments section below. Thanks so much :) S

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Finished Projects Plus One In The Works :)

Here are two of my latest completed projects :) The first is a welcome blanket for the sweet little baby boy/girl that we're expecting in August. The second is a stripy summer rug for our patio. I had great fun making both of these. I absolutely love repetitive patterns! It gave me just the mental break I needed to prep me for my next endeavor. I'm going to be writing a pattern of my own!