Monday, July 11, 2011

"I" is for Imperfect (and for Ice Cream)

Okay, I admit it. I've been waaaay behind on my letter lessons. Things were going great until I got to the letter "I". Little P and I were going to make home made ice cream but I neglected to buy ice cream salt (who knew there was such a thing?? Definitely not me!) I meant to make up for it the next week, but then ended up in the hospital so that week I got nothing done in general! Luckily, two good friends paid us a visit that week and brought some ice cream with them :) I think it's safe to say they saved the day! Thank you Coco and Mark!!

But now I can't seem to get my momentum back. I have no clue what to focus on for the letter "J". So I'm asking for your help!! Do any of you have any craft suggestions, activities, games, foods to make that start with the letter "J"?? If so, please leave them in the comments section below. Thanks so much :) S

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